The ritual of Tashlich offers us all the chance to recognize, feel in our bodies, and release the ways in which we have missed the mark this year, both personally and collectively. Tashlich is an opportunity to ritualize and deepen our personal and collective commitments to justice in the coming year.
You are invited to please join Jewish Voice for Peace - DC Metro on Sunday afternoon September 24th for the Tashlich ritual of the 5778/2017 High Holy Days. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to to receive the address.
New members are always welcome!
The gathering will begin promptly at 3 PM at one of our member's homes near the Forest Glen metro station. After the Tashlich ritual, we will join back together for a collective meal, where we are asking guests to bring refreshments if they are able. If your last name begins with letters A - G, please bring non-alcoholic drinks. If your last name begins with letters H - Q, please bring an appetizer or snack. If your last name begins with letters R - Z, please bring fruit or a dessert.
If you would like to join us for Tashlich, please RSVP to with your party size and what refreshments you will be bringing.
Please invite your friends and share our Facebook Event!